Thursday 18 April 2019

Suffrage Poetry - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

After doing some reading in 'The Women's Suffrage Movement' by Maroula Joanou and June Purvis I came across an interesting section which discussed the poetry written by 'suffrage' poets.

Poets within the suffrage movement - Laura Grey, Emily Wilding Davidson, Sylvia Pankhurst, Eva Gore-Booth, Augusta Webster and Alice Meynell. pp117 - Could there be an exploration of suffrage poets and designs to accompany these. A poetry exhibition or publication?

'These poems often communicate at a level of simple emotion, giving cheer and solace to other women.' -pp121

There are also themes of connection. many ideas are repeated such as women being trapped, either by prison or the confines of their gender. Journals such as 'The Vote' edited by Charlotte Despard carried verses.

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