Saturday 6 April 2019

Colour Edited Photographs - Art Fund - Competition Brief

After some consideration I decided to edit the colour grades of the photographs. This was something the Hepworth's graphic designer, Rachel Oliver suggested I try, as often changing the colour of a photograph can make it look a lot more vibrant and contemporary. Some of these experiments have worked quite well, giving the images an atmosphere and a look of consideration. The bright colours have been chosen again to attract the student based audience, thinking about excitement, vibrancy, busy, often urban, lifestyles.

Some of the colours I found didn't work so well, the green for instance appeared almost alien and not the right atmosphere. Similarly the blue tones felt a bit cold and medical - not something inviting or playful. The purples and red seemed to work a lot better, although even with this I found they perhaps looked too serious.

I then did some experiments editing the hue of each individual colour, not the flat image. This seemed to work better, as it maintained the Student Art Pass aesthetic a lot better. The more florescent feeling to the designs seemed to convey the creativity and imagination found in museums/galleries better. These photographs also seemed to have something a lot more interesting about them, they added another layer to the composition and look a lot more mature (not like a children's birthday.) Rachel Oliver's advice worked well and I was interesting to see how the additional details would look. 

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