Thursday 18 April 2019

Artists and Studios of the Suffrage Campaign - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

This was another section of the book 'Suffragettes to She-Devils' by Liz Mcquiston which I researched to look more in depth at the designers behind suffrage work.

'They were asserting a new image of the skilled independent, professionally competent woman , and contesting the traditional (and limiting) representations of women' pp49

The Artists' suffrage league was founded in 1907 to help with the The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies' (NUWSS) 'Mud March'. - fine artists and illustrators who used their skills to create pictorial propaganda - including a lot of banners and posters.

There was also something called the Suffrage Atelier - who particularly taught it's members the appropriate drawing methods and hand printing processes necessary to produce their own publications (via stenciling, etching, wood-engraving, wood and lino-cut etc). The methods are described as archaic. These methods could be something I look at and recreate. Although I am looking to create something more than just a modern zine recreation.

Below shows pages from Beware! A Warning to Suffragists, a book of rhymes lampooning the antis, by Cicely Hamilton and containing sketches from C Headley-Charlton and others. Published by the Artists Suffrage League c1912.

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