Tuesday 16 April 2019

Final Screen-Printed Calendar - The Gallery Calendar - Self-led Brief

The final screen-printed version of the calendar is bold, artistic and contemporary. The metal binding technique involved some problems but it is still functional and aesthetically pleasing. The thick metal coil creates a luxurious aesthetic when seen against the bold colours of the print. It also allows the viewer to easily flip the page over and hang it from the metal hook.

The print designs are textured which creates an authentic 'imperfect' effect. Each one has a unique and specialist feeling to them, which in many ways is more interesting to the viewer than the digital copy. Artists and gallery designers are more likely to be interested in something printed in this specialist technique. In some parts the registration of the print has not come out correctly, but this only adds to the design's detail. For instance where the blue of the Hepworth sculpture has laid over the red, it has created an interesting purple shadow - which adds another layer of depth to the piece and certainly wouldn't be seen in a digital version.

The main issue with the print is that on several of the pages, the month dates are illegible and in places non-existent. This is due to clogged screens and print failures which was difficult to perfect for so large a large project, involving several colours. However, if this was to be produced in a professional setting it would be perfected and refined so that all the dates could be easily read and drawn over. This is why a digital version of the calendar will be included in the submission - as this shows what all the details would look like with accuracy. It also shows an alternative aesthetic to the print based design, which has it's own merits.

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