Saturday 6 April 2019

Final Poster Designs - Art Fund - Competition Brief

I selected the designs I thought were most successful to create three separate posters. Each poster says something slightly different about the student art pass and they were be placed in and around student areas. The layouts have been slightly modified so they are all consistent in where the text has been placed. The colour of the text has also been changed to give a more colourful aesthetic, complimenting the other posters in the sequence.

After creating these layouts I realised that the illustration for the Student Art Pass wasn't quite correct. It felt like a mediocre copy of the real thing and the low opacity meant that a different tone of blue was shown in each poster design.

After studying the art pass further I created a far more realistic copy in illustration, adding the addition of the price in the top corner to indicate to the viewer how much it costs. This version with the curved corners, larger text and full colour felt a lot more professional.

The three final designs are strong, vibrant and student-friendly. Each uses a different statement to make a campaign which entices the viewer with the different benefits of the pass - yet not overwhelming them with the details all on one design. Each poster also features slightly different content to subtly show the different institutions which can be visited with the pass. The text colour in each design has been picked from the other posters, meaning that the pallet is kept consistent and conveys a general feeling of creativity and colour -rather than just using black as I have in previous iterations of the design.

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