Wednesday 17 April 2019

Pinterest Research - The Vagina Guide - External Collaborative Brief

I began doing some research on pinterest, thinking about feminist publication design and modern publication aesthetics. A lot of the designs that came up contained pink and red tones as expected. Many also seemed to have a type based approach - using type as imagery or offsetting type in interesting and experimental ways. This is something I'd really like to test for the publication to make it a modern, contemporary object. One of the designs I found interesting had shapes cut out of it, this could be something I think about exploring further along with the project. I also liked the use of red type - this could be something I explore also - or perhaps even white type on red card.

Since the book is going to be informational, it needs to have a fairly serious tone but with quirky/stylizsd elements. This could be conducted through a variety of methods such as change in stock, text size, typeface, colour etc, but still keeping some elements fairly consistent and serious.

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