Wednesday 17 April 2019

Ethics - The Vagina Guide - External Collaboration Brief

Because 'The Vagina Guide' contains explicit content it was important to consider the ethical impact of the information.

In some of the pages of the guide there are specific interview sections or quotes from people. This information has been made up based on research, so as not to make real people uncomfortable by disclosing personal information. That being said, the words explain real experiences and so do not jeopardize the validity or worth of the statements.

All the medical information written in the guide has been compiled using official medical websites - such as the NHS website. It was important to ensure that the information being discussed was correct and checked. If this was to be produced realistically it would have to go through a serious examination by a professional to ensure no false information was being discussed. Throughout the guide encourages the reader to visit the doctor for further information and treatments.

The content of the book tackles sensitive topics such as sex and masturbation which can often make people uncomfortable. This has been approached in a careful and mature way. The sensitive illustrations have not been placed on the cover, so that the viewer has choice before they are confronted with the imagery. The whole purpose of the publication is to encourage openness and acceptance for topics surrounding the vagina, as often it is something rarely discussed. For this reason the illustrations needed to be explicit (to and extent) but in a controlled manner.

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