Friday 5 April 2019

Group Crit on Minature Sculpture Campaign Posters - Art Fund - Competition Brief

I took these miniature sculpture designs to a crit and received a lot of useful feed. Their main feedback suggested that the deigns did not seem to directly attract a student audience. The text on the posters conveyed this but not the aesthetic or content. The aesthetic seemed to be more serious and 'sophisticated' - not the bright colours or playful style that might be expected for a student campaign.

It also became clear that the content was also perhaps too sinister and dark. The doll parts seemed to be conveying a concept that was too obscure in relation to the Student Art Pass. It was suggested that these could be re-framed in a better context by shooting the images again with brighter lighting. They said that the concept was unusual but had potential. Yet I decided to look closer at the Student Art Pass branding and thing more closely about ways this could be carried out.

The Student Art Pass branding uses a mixture of bright and pastel colours. It is heavily shape based and is not over-complicated. Yet I think for a campaign a more conceptual idea needs to be introduced to really meet the brief and sell museums/galleries as a detox. This use of colour and immediacy will be something I look to recreate though.

I also found an Art Fund booklet which I examined to help my campaign resonate with the brand. The use of large type and continuous line are definitely elements I would like to reproduce. I also like the illustration of the pass and this could potentially be something I replicate in the photographic compositions.

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