Saturday 6 April 2019

Gallery Flyer Inspiration - Art Fund - Competition Brief

I decided to collect some gallery and museum event flyers in order to familiarise myself with the type layouts often used by art institutions. I noticed that for a lot the text was large and bold, even the statements such as 'You can go anywhere with art_' on the Art Fund pamphlet used large text - this was something I hoped to recreate.

On the flyers I also looked at the backs and how these were organised. I found that a lot just used plane white backgrounds which meant the information stood and was not crowded. I need to remember that often a more controlled, refined response can be more appropriate and informative. Another thing I noticed was that one of the Hepworth flyers used an effect on an image similar to that I have experimented with, so the designs should fits well within the market.

I also looked at Pinterest for inspiration and found lots of aesthetics and layouts which were useful. I hope to use this research again in future.

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