Sunday 21 April 2019

Initial Sketches - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

After doing some research I began by doing sketches for the project, thinking about different ways I could visually represent the suffragette design. I looked at shape based deconstructions of 'The Bulger Girl' and ways I could use type - since at the moment I am posing this for a poetry based exhibition. I began thinking about the relationship between type and imagery, considering how the suffrage poetry could be altered into the composition and how the letters could be altered so that they represent the content and lock together in interesting ways. I also thought about the style of suffragette design, thinking about art nouveou work and how this could be modernised. I wanted take the shape based approach - of using blocks of colour like the Beggarstaff brothers but in a simplified, bold way. I also wanted to convey the themes of the poetry - which is largely imprisonment.

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