Saturday 6 April 2019

Evaluation - Art Fund - Competition Brief

The purpose of this brief was to create a design or campaign which would encourage students to buy the student art pass and to consider going to museums and galleries as a break from day-to-day life. The 'Let Your Mind Wander' campaign achieves this in a number of ways. The design immediately shows the art pass in the center of the design with a clear focal point suggesting what the campaign is about. Surrounding this are well constructed details and imagery which indicate the benefits of having a student art pass.

The brief also suggests that museums and galleries should be shown to be 'relaxing, inspiring and sociable'. By having the two figures at the bottom of each design is shows how a going to these places can be about companionship and shared experience. The large open space against these two miniature figures shows how relaxing museums and galleries can be - with large spaces to breathe. Whilst the lines drawn from the heads of the figures directly illustrates how the minds of the figure's minds are wandering and are feeling inspired by the large sculptures.

Students are deeply influenced by technology and the brief suggests that the design should offer an alternatives to this way of thinking but to also consider that this is a primary route of communication for students. As a result the designs show to figures physically experiencing the museum - it is photographed based to remind students of the importance of physical experience. However, I have also included to designs which show how the campaign would use Instagram advertising. These have worked well and are consistent with other types of advertising on the platform. They are colourful and exciting and the amount of information has been heavily cut down so that when users are swiping/scrolling they wont be put off stopping to read the campaign. This also considers that the Art Fund specifies a low production cost.

Finally, the designs themselves play on student culture, as the brief suggests they should. Students are away from home for the first time and are looking to celebrate. The majority want to go out and have fun and exciting exciting experiences. As a result the designs show balloons in each of the compositions, these are made to look like spherical sculptures but their obvious balloon shape should indicate how galleries and museums can be exciting and celebratory. They are not just about traditional art but are also about experience and immersion, which these designs highlight well.

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