Wednesday 17 April 2019

Layout Experiments - The Vagina Guide - External Collaboration Brief

Experiments were then conducted in different ways of laying out the text, paired with the imagery. A lot of these designs have fairly simple shapes, but are made bold and striking by the colours used and the compositions. The compositions reference the feminist publications I looked at previously, thinking about how large type can make a statement more impacting. I was also considering pink, red and black as primary colours for the publication due to the research. Another consideration was that the design needed to appeal to young adults, aged 15-18 roughly. This meant that the compositions needed to be fresh and youthful. For this reason the sketches almost give the publication a scrap-book feel, similar to the 'Rubbish FAMzine' I looked at previously. The publication needed to be bright and engaging constantly, so the designs never show too much information in one place. At the same time the information needed to be easily accessed, so it clear and obvious within each sketch. There was also some sketches with ideas which would involve brighter colours rather than just the obvious pink and red. These may be important in making a wider selection of readers comfortable with the publication - since a lot of people don't respond to typically 'feminine' design.

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