Thursday 18 April 2019

Defacing Coins - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

During the 1910s a series of coins were circulated which had the 'Votes for Women' phrase stamped on them. These letters are seen to be placed over the King's face, as a mark against the authority of the time. 'It was probably carried out by a single person using just one set of individual alphabet stamps, a process that would have been repetitive and time-consuming. The perpetrator has never been traced' 

 I then watched a video exploring some research in the suffragette coins and how to deface coins on your own. This could be a mode of design I consider looking into - although could be quite a complex process to undertake. Maybe I could think about ways of printing vinyl onto coins or other such methods. I could potentially design an exhibition for suffrage art and do posters, flyers and other memorabilia to communicate the event - with coins as an additional mode of communication.

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