Wednesday 17 April 2019

Further Cover Experiments - The Vagina Guide - External Collaboration Brief

I then continued to do some more experiments with the guide, thinking about ways I can use type in experimental ways. For example the V within the brackets creates an interesting interpretation of a vagina in a type-based way. This shows the relationship with words and information within the guide. The image of the vagina is something very sexualised but when it is represented using this method it becomes something more serious and matter of fact - something people shouldn't be embarrassed by. I also conducted an experiment show the type spread evenly apart to make the words stand out and become the main focus of the cover. This looks quite contemporary and mature and could be something to consider in future. I'll need to think about what typefaces I want to use throughout.

I then did some more experiments involving a overleaf. The first idea was to have a vagina shape cut from the page . This could be more detailed that the one shown below, but it gives some view into the page behind. This could be accomplished using the laser cutter. There was then an experiment which involved a gradient, similar to the tones of a vagina, based on some research. This worked quite well, especially with the side overleaf with 'The Vagina Guide' title, this would create a more interesting experience for the reader when opening the guide. Although may need more detail to explain what it is.

I then did further experiments with the gradient idea, but have the title of the publication cut from the overleaf so the colour could be seen behind. This worked quite nicely although may be difficult to produce physically with the limited capabilities of the laser cutter.

I then created more of a vintage aesthetic for the cover. This worked quite well in a different way. It appears quite 1930s with the 'make do and mend' style, which could be an interesting approach. Thinking about both practicality and aesthetic and how these two link together.

I then did some more colourful experiments, this involved the illustrations done by Hope, but reverting them into black and white to match the aesthetic. I will have to discuss with her if she thinks this is an appropriate approach and work from there. The side panel would also act as an overleaf to again improve the experience and the circular 'V' would be made into a sticker and placed on the cover. This is all to improve the tactility of the publication as this is one of the main reasons people are drawn to publications, rather than looking online. It needs to have elements which make it more appealing than online platforms for questions about vaginas.

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