Friday 19 April 2019

Initial Ideas - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

After conducting a large amount of research into the suffragette and suffrage movements I began thinking about a project which I could explore.

Initial Ideas:
  • To create an exhibition designed to celebrate the artistic work of the suffragette movement. This could included posters, flyers, exhibition guides etc. Potentially stamped coins.
  • To create a poetry book based on suffrage poetry, thinking about doing illustrations for the poetry and re-framing them to be more modern.
  • Looking at modern feminist design and and then retelling suffrage designs using new styles.
  • Looking at Art Nouveau and types of work produced in this style - how it could be modernised into something new and exciting.
  • To look at a copy of 'Votes for Women' and make this into a modern feminist publication, using the same words but new styles of typesetting and imagery. 
All of these ideas could potentially be successful, so I will begin to experiment thinking with these ideas in mind.

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