Monday 1 May 2017

Tile Research

I took particular interest in the tile design on the Town Hall's entrance floor, this intricate pattern felt unique and was something that I wanted to explore further. The title design is one of it's biggest features and I wanted this to be the driving force being on of my initial ideas. My initial thought was that I could individually print on titles and then create a piece from that. So I analysed the photographs from City Hall and research from Victorian design books and created 5 titles that could be composed to make an image.

I then arranged these to resemble the pillars of city hall as these are one of its key features. Although the design resembles Victorian style well and incorporates a unique aspect of the building, it doesn't reference Queen Victoria or the event itself- just the building. We were told the designs could be loose references however I wanted a key aspect of my design to be about the Royal visit, which a lot of my research has focused on. Also the design itself would be incredibly difficult to produce as it uses 6 different colours which would be hard to have aligned and layered on such small surfaces as these tiles. I still however wanted to include a tile within my design. 

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