Wednesday 17 May 2017

Peer Review and RAUM Work

After watching all the presentations I realised that I needed to focus on the costing of our exhibition production. The most successful which was chosen to curate was RAUM, the pitch that accounted for cost. Ours used acetate which immediately racks up the cost at 30p a sheet, this should have been considered and broken down. We also should have considered the cost of printing the posters, as the colour again speeds up the cost. RAUM chose to screenprint their work which was definitely cost effective and something that we could have considered. However, having worked on screen printing for RAUM, I think it may have been simpler for our Halftone group to do a black and white A3 digital print at 4p per sheet, saving manpower and time in a period of pressure.

It has been a useful experience being involved in the set up of this exhibition. I have been able to appreciate RAUMs design work and is obvious why it has been successful. The entire set of items are cohesive and simple and the prints descend in order of the event date making it organised in it's catalogue layout and the display in Room 700.

If the design had not been simple there may have been many more issues in the production. There has been some miscommunication during the wider process, however I believe this is due to the fact we have so many on running projects. I helped set up for screen printing and organised the prints in date order for the curation. The intricacies of mass production have become clearer and I have seen and been part of great teamwork and perseverance.

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