Wednesday 17 May 2017

Interim Critique

Elements we need:

-Social Media
-Exhibition Curation/organisation


Our main feedback was to reconsider our logo and make the the tile over two lines so it spelt half/tone in layers. This was to make it look more compact and concise, the original logotype was quite large and it some ways it felt unnecessary.

It was also suggested that we create a social media account that can be used to ask people to attend using the hashtag #halftoneleeds. This would also mean that we could have a place to display the work, again encouraging people to attend. Another suggest was that we could ask the public to send us images of their favourite places in Leeds which we could halftone and put on Instagram for exposure. In fact there was also mention of using the multi lay aspect of Instagram images so that they can show a countdown aspect as well as interesting imagery.

It was also discussed that for the Instagram account we could ask people to post pictures of themselves using a projection of dots on the wall. This would gain us more attention and would excite people, encouraging them to go the exhibition for the interactive element. We then talked about how we could use projection as a form of wayfinding, shooting beams of the halftone design on the walls. This was inspired by neubau and their minimalist, circular yet jagged style.

A final idea was the curation of the prints inside the exhibition and it was decided that they would be arranged from a light tone to a dark tone. Using the gradient aspect but also following a simple formula.

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