Saturday 13 May 2017

Final Production

The final designs were created to have two tones, with block yellow tone underneath the design in order to highlight certain shapes in the design. This gives it more layers and lifts the design off the page.

A lot of time was spent in the print room finalising the prints as there was several issues that effected the productions of the print. Too much emulsion was used at one stage, meaning the design struggled to come through clearly. There were issues with mixing medium with the ink, the ratio was very under balanced causing the ink to dry too quickly and become sticky. Another issue was with prints misaligning, this was caused by the kodatrace detaching or the absence of a printing bed which meant it was harder to keep the paper in place. The design also needed to be changed several times due to spelling mistakes or changes of typeface. 

Selection of prints before the final prints were made.

Often the alignement would fail, due to the
fact I was using the table and not the flatbeds.
There was a defect in this design in the top right corner,
this was due to a thick area of emulsion caused by storage.
A brighter yellow was trialled here, although it appeared too
 extreme for Victorian design.
Often one layer wouldn't give an even layer of ink,
this was due to how much was being applied
onto the screen and the mixing of the ink itself.

Another of the problems was that two much ink
could be pushed through the screen. Making
the design loose detail and causing it to look uneven.
After several print sessions there was finally some successful prints on several different types of paper.

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