Wednesday 17 May 2017

Logotype experimentation

There was much debate and variation in the logotypes we produced in this stage of the process. We had mainly settled on the appearance of the title in Helvetica, with some work needed in kerning. But the logo was varied and we were divided. Some people wanted quite a 'handmade' and random approach to the placing of the dots, whereas myself and others wanted it to be a clean gradient with fairly small dots to give quite an organised appearance.

We presented these designs and more for a class critique and yet still the responses were divided. We found people were suggesting their favourite and then not reasoning why or how it could be improved. With this we learnt that too many of our group were producing logotypes, with so many variations and ideas that were fundamentally very similar it became difficult to find a favourite and take it forward. In the end we compromised on a design that used the organised halftone gradient but with larger dots to make it bolder.

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