Monday 15 May 2017

Personal Evaluation OUGD404

Throughout this project I have learnt forms of design theory and how they can be applied to create a far more professional and considered effect. These theories and practices are things that need to no longer be a formulaic response to a design, but something naturally implemented into my work. This will come with outside reading and research into designer theories and modes of practice. My aim is to have learnt enough background knowledge of design so that I can usually find a theory that applies without extensive research.

Pagination is something I have become far more experienced on, which I will definitely carry forward in future design. This course has also led me to value grids far more and their ability to organise a page, completely changing the overall appearance. Colour theory is also something I will consider far more in future; which hues are complementary, which hues I need to use for consistency and how colour needs to be balanced on a page. There is still far more to be learnt but I have already begun to think more about colour than just its initial aesthetic.

In this project, design was initially approached without much reasoning or experimentation. The first viable solution was taken and consequently some of the designs began as very undeveloped. The book covers especially were designed poorly and without much reference, the colouring wasn't considered and neither was the themes of the books. Fortunately, after learning principles of experimentation and application these were redesigned with much more thought. The Marber grid was used in a far more traditional sense which helped me follow the grid layout. The colouring was also simplified and refined, using the paintings as the main source of colour, giving the designs relevance. I realised how important it is that the theories used, must align with the conceptual work.

Something I have noticed is that I need to improve my time management skills. During this project I have found it hard to keep a steady pace of blogposts. It may have also been beneficial to keep a sketchbook to record all my experimentation and motivate me to do variations. In future I hope to do the blogposts immediately after the work is produced and balance my time more effectively across the modules. I will also make sure I research more theories and concepts which I can reference in my blogposts. It is important to constantly be aware of new styles and classic principles which can be applied to improve work all the time.  

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