Tuesday 16 May 2017

Exhibition Initial Ideas

We began the group work by mind mapping ideas and discussing the ideas that had the most potential.

A key idea was that we wanted it to be student themed, to reflect our identity and our fresh, punky attitudes. This idea was eventually discarded due to the fact the exhibition has to attract many different types of people and if it is student themed it might seem aimed for students. Instead it has to attract printers and artists all over Leeds with a professional aesthetic.

Another idea which I suggested was to emphasise the celebratory theme by featuring fireworks and bright designs in a dark environment. To focus on torches and lights that could be used to guide around the exhibition. This would then tie into the print theme by using print positives to highlight the designs in a reversed setting. Again this was disregarded because it seemed unnecessarily complex, it also would have involved editing the appearance of the prints and putting them under poor lighting- both not showing them to their best potential.

A style we particularly wanted to use was quite a minimalist approach, using up to two tones in order to not distract from the prints themselves. This was eventually something we took forward under our 'Halftone' theme, using just black and white.

This 'Halftone' theme was initially to focus on the theme of halves and how we are 'half formed designers.' However, this evolved into focusing on the transformation to dots that a halftone causes, and much of the branding and ideas were to focus on circles. One of our main ideas was to use the halftone technique in the O in name HALFTONE for our logotype. Another important idea was to print the halftone onto acetate then project it on to the wall for the public to take photographs in front of; generating a social media presence.

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