Friday 19 May 2017

Final Piece and Class Critique

The overall aesthetic of the piece matches our rationale. The illustrations are clear and simple, but use an adult approach containing funny content. The red, white and black colour scheme has worked, especially with the elements being cut out.


The feedback suggested that we had taken a very friendly approach that uses humour well to give advice. Through this positive feedback it suggests that the style was not too patronising, despite its fairly ridiculous concept.

Some people even suggested that this design follows a more contemporary aesthetic and the minimalism is bold and professional. This is something we especially wanted to achieve as first years are often interested in bright, bold conceptual design, not work that is purely practical. The textures in the book can give examples of experimentation and elements like the condom texture mark conceptual inspiration.

People found the googly eye concept 'interesting', it intrigued the viewer and added another layer to the design. In some respects it might be consider too 'goofy', if what we wanted to achieve is contemporary perhaps the googly eyes counteract this. However I believe the element is interactive and is something millennial students will particularly enjoy, there is often a trend for students of this generation to enjoy random, cute humour, rather than a humour that might be more subtle.

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