Wednesday 17 May 2017

Final Presentation Feedback

To make the presentation I had to cut down a lot of our content, there was so many different strands of ideas it appeared confusing to the viewer. So the map concept was removed and the floor wayfinding so I could create a presentation that ran a little more smoothly. I experimented with the order, making sure that there was a form of journey throughout.

Positive Feedback:
  • Strong artist research, indicating our reference to neabua meant that our aims became clearer.
  • The social media, particularly on Instagram works really well. The layout appears considered and aesthetically pleasing, which the modern audience will take interest in.
  • The concept of the projector and acetate is really good, shows consistency and innovation.
  • The strongest part is the interactive element, this will generate interest.
Design Suggestions:
  • On Instagram dots could be used to count down instead of numbers. This could be linked to the motorway countdown, but with dots instead of dashes.
  • The dots used in the ceiling of room 700 could be used within the design, taking inspiration from their layout. 
  • The acetate invites could build on the selfie aspect and ask people to take a picture with their invite, again generating further interest.
Overall Constructive Feedback:
  • The branding shows the print aspect well but it ought to represent the space more extensively.
  • The content is heavy, which in turn distracts from the prints. It may have benefited from being simpler.
  • The overall cost needs to be considered. The catalogue specifically needs to be stripped back in order to allow for more prints. 

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