Thursday 18 May 2017

Rationale for Speaking from Experience


A soft cartoon design in the style of children's books was taken as the approach to give advice to students shopping. It essentially had funny and quirky illustrations that contained nuggets of advice or recommendations from feedback our class produced. The colour scheme being red, white and black in order to convey adult content but with cut outs from this to still refer back to the children's book influence, using textures specifically inspired by the Hungry Caterpillar.

Initial Ideas:

Myself and Megan teamed up initially to make a student guide to shopping. Some of our initial ideas included making an book similar to an Instagram layout that presented student meals. Some of which would be serious but others would be funny or ridiculous (e.g. a few mince pies and some McDonalds fries) which would be based on real experiences from students in our class.

However this still felt too complicated and could be taken too seriously. We wanted to make this quirky and funny, so an illustrative cartoon style was explored. We kept the square book shape idea but began trying to develop concepts for this that could still contain nuggets of useful advice or reminders.

After our first critique a lot of the suggestions were about food guides or issues people have had with cooking. Although this would have been interesting to produce we wanted something that was a bit more quirky and random, almost like a small story or cartoon strip. This led to another suggestion which was to make the publication look like a children's book, with ultra basic cartoon designs. This was intriguing, especially once pop ups/tear outs were suggested for the design. This seemed to fit well with the quirky and creative aesthetic we wanted to get across.

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