Wednesday 17 May 2017

Acetate Flyer Development

For the acetate flyers idea I took over the designing and began creating variations of the halftone effect and the appearance of our logo on these. Changing layout and organisation of information in several options.

It was uncertain how many pieces of acetate would be given to the public in form of flyer. In retrospect it should have been 1 in order to save on cost and also for simplicity. If designers were to receive three flyers in the post, they might get confused as to which holds the key information. Also shop owners and display boards would struggled to display three flyers, undoubtedly some would get separated and lost; whereas one flyer doesn't have this issue. Unfortunately for our final design we presented packs of three.

However, this did showcase the shimmering effect well and allowed all the information to be communicated across the pieces of acetate in a balanced format. Something exciting about this was that the packs of three flyers would arrive stacked, so the designer's receiving them would have to pull them apart, revealing the designs underneath.

Example of shimmering effect.

Flyers arriving in stacks of three.

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