Monday 1 May 2017

Concept Ideas and Research:

Brief: Your task is to research the various events and happenings that have occurred in Leeds and helped shape the city; then choose one that will become the focus for an A3 traditional print that celebrates this event. You can choose any event whether or not it was organised or impromptu but it must be celebratory.

Initial Ideas:
  • The Norman Conquest/Invasion that led to the growth of Leeds.
  • 'The Harrying of the North' by William the Conqueror.
  • Creation of Kirkstall Abbey- has an interesting bronze door ring which depicts a man being swallowed by and open-mouthed monster. This was a warning of man's possible fate on the day of judgement, which could be a good concept to explore. However this doesn't link to the celebratory theme which should be considered the main theme.
  • 'Skyrack' – where Leeds has a large holding of parishes. This derives its name from a large oak that grew for centuries in Headlingly- originally it was called 'Shire oak' in Old English. The tree finally collapsed in 1941 which could be celebrated.'
  • Queen Victoria opened Leed's town hall in 1858. She was accompanied by Prince Albert and Princesses Helena and Alice.

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