Wednesday 17 May 2017

Sticker Idea

One idea I suggested for our exhibition was to have a sticker rating scale in order for the public to feel involved with the space. This would mean that a wall would be created with a list of numbers and the public would be asked to place a black dot on how good they thought the exhibition would be (0 being Awful - 5 being Outstanding.) This would hopefully create a natural gradient that would be thicker towards the end with 5, linking to the technique of halftone. This was inspired by an exhibition in Left Bank Leeds I attended. Another link that could be made to the theme is that singular black dots could be used as the stickers, enforcing the circular branding.

Another element of wayfinding I experimented with with using the halves as arrows. Unfortunately, this confused people, it was if a logo had been placed on the wall without its purpose being obvious. We then began to think about how the stickers could also be used as a form of wayfinding.

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