Wednesday 17 May 2017

Halftone Presentation Feedback:

The main feedback we received was to find a further meaning behind the 'halves' concept. Although the halftone theme linked to print techniques, it didn't consider the public spaces designs that the exhibition will be celebrating. Some of the links suggested were to have the prints curated with a new and old divide, or an outside/inside split for them to be displayed.

Another thing suggested was to keep the black and white colour scheme in order for the colours of the prints to be fully showcased. There was a lot of emphasis on having two layers to the designs, in order to have a black foreground with cut outs showing the prints in the background.

The sticker wall also needs to be developed further so that the numbers are in the centre printed in vinyl, allowing the gradient to be larger (rather than having the numbers at the top.) We developed numbered sticker as a potential idea for this which definitely wouldn't work in the gradient situation, however these could be used for another purpose.

Something that had negative feedback was the circular logo, this needs more development. Perhaps further development in halves or the halftone gradient being the main focus of the inside, rather than having the segments. Furthermore in the wayfinding system the use of circles as arrows seemed very unclear. Instead it was suggested that the wayfinding system could involve stickers on the ground to lead people around. Another thing was to use gridded systems for colour blind people to represent arrows in order to show people around using a dot effect; Damien Hurst's work links to this.

Another thing that could be used is a curcular black stamp, similar to Naubau's style. They've also done work with acetate which could be researched.

Things to consider:
  • Public spaces
  • Print
  • Celebration   

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