Wednesday 13 February 2019

Student Art Pass - Art Fund - Competition Brief

After looking up the Student Art Pass, I found that they are currently promoting the #WeAreArtful hashtag and the top posts for this have been shown below. Unfortunately there only seems to be around 300 posts using this hashtag, so the approach may need to be changed. I believe if Art Fund created its own instagram for WeAreArtful, it could be far more carefully curated, with a high focus on aesthetic and trends. The actual account however could re-post stories tagged with #weareartful allowing there to be more momentum behind visiting galleries as other people see those similar to them visiting.

The shape aesthetic of the branding works quite nicely, it is simple and bold. I hope to continue this branding within the campaign to get more students interesting in the Student Art Pass. There seems to a particular kind of illustrative aesthetic adopted by galleries and museums at the moment so this is something I hope to replicate.

The @artfund instagram seems to hold a strong, serious aesthetic, talking about artists both modern and historical. This works for the audience in question as the majority of followers will be an older, more middle class audience. However, for a student campaign, a new, fresh creative approach needs to be taken - potentially through illustration.

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