Monday 25 February 2019

Part Divides - The Door into Shadow - Live Brief

Something I wanted to consider for the publication, was to have illustrations inside, embellishing the pages and creating points of interest. This is something that the author Philip Pullman did for his trilogy 'His Dark Materials', which when seen in the book create intrigue and enriches the reading experience. Children especially reading the story may find these illustrations nice to examine and a good way to visualise the story - without distracting too much from the writing itself. Of course, 'The Shadowland Books' are darker than 'His Dark Materials' and it important not to be too childish. However, given the quirky nature of the story, and the author, illustrations may well fit quite nicely with the overall composition. They could even just be placed before each section of the book - as there are only four dividing parts - creating a simple illustrative break. I will need to consider if these should be small, like these Philip Pullman illustrations, or if it would work better if they filled the page.

The designs have a distinctive, bold, shape based style. They use a lot of block colour to ensure the designs didn't get lost in the printing, especially as they were to be printed so small (about the size of a postage stamp). Their use of shape and cross hatching is definitely something I could replicate, potentially considering other more traditional methods to interpret this style - such as linocutting.

Philip Pullman 'His Dark Materials' chapter illustrations

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