Monday 4 February 2019

Developed Illustrations - Laptop Cat Publishing Logo - Live Brief

Following advice in the critique, I began doing pen and ink sketches of the logo with thick marker in order to give it some variation in size and thickness. Although these were rough sketches, they were useful to experiment with corresponding shapes and colours, allowing the logo to be condensed into its simplest form. Something that is important to consider is that the logos will be placed on the spines of books and therefore its position length-wise should be examined.

The screen of the laptop has been experimented with to test how much detail could be included. Sometimes the screen is off and sometimes on, with writing on or some glare. In general it seems that one colour is enough, especially is it will be scaled down to quite a small size.

The expression of the cat is something that needs to be experimented with further. After having peers crits and discussions with the clients, it became clear that the favourite designs were the ones that had character and expression. However, it is tricky to have full expression on a design that needs to be incredibly simple and scaled down. Penguin manages this in their logo, with the Penguin's expression looking proud by the direction of its face and the eye looking towards the viewer. Something similar could be developed to retain this sense of character.

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