Thursday 14 February 2019

Initial Ideas - Art Fund - Competition Brief

  1. Have one item from a museum that connects to another item through  a series of links. I.e. relate a Mozart to a helicopter. Inspired by 'James Burke's Web of Knowledge'.
  2. Play with the 'detox' idea and have a person who's mind is distracted and all over the place until they walk into a museum - then it becomes cleared. Could work as an animation. Perhaps consider how eyes dilate.
  3. Imagination/daydreaming? Clouds etc - museums make you lighter.
  4. Museums and galleries are the new drug because of the hormones released when entering a museum or gallery.
  5. Going to museums and galleries helps water your brain allowing new flowers grow. Things like statues and stuffed bears holding watering cans. 
  6. 'You can see through the eyes of others' - could do a campaign where once you walk in you become the historical figure/artist. There could be a split in the center of the design e.g. half Boudicca, half an ordinary visitor. 
  7. Similar to this concept, there could be a scene which two eye shapes can look through, potentially made into an animation - combining themes of the real world and the imagination.

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