Thursday 7 February 2019

Otl Aicher - Laptop Cat Publishing Logo - Live Brief

Otl Aicher was a German graphic designer and is best known for having designed distinctive pictograms fort he 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. He created these using a series of grid systems, one distinctively using a grid of squares, with diagonal lines to follow and constrain the pictogram.

Some of the designs are more surreal which I thought could link to the fantasy theme of the books. The designs use a black and white, pattern, geometric style which is something I would like to replicate.

The symbols offer simplicity yet have a clear sense of character. They communicate the meaning effectively but also have more of a stylistic approach. The use of the grid and this bold style is something I want to experiment with for the Laptop Cat logo. At the moment the design doesn't appear professional enough and slightly disordered. By implementing a grid this could create a far different, more original approach in illustrating a cat.

Otl Aicher by Markus Rathgeb
After experimenting on some dotted grid paper it allowed me to visualise how the cat would look constructed in the Otl Aicher style. I realised making the cats face fully square it felt unnatural and too anatomic, with it angled downwards in an arrow shape it felt far more cat-like, yet still ordered and constrained - maintaining professionalism. These sketches were used as a general guide for the digital construction.

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