Saturday 2 February 2019

Initial Sketches - Laptop Cat Publishing Logo - Live Brief

To start my initial ideas I did several observational sketches of cats to get an idea of their form and shape. This will allow me to simplify their forms to the most basic shapes, whilst remaining recognisable and sleek.

In terms of the most successful forms here, I believe the center two might have the most potential for significant and simple logos. The angle of the laptop and the position of the cat feel more smooth and realistic - rather than positions from more complicated angles. It will be important to replicate their smooth yet angular shapes.

I then began briefly drafting ideas for the logo layout and detail. Some of these included things that could be used on the screen, for example: some static or shape in the center to symbolise it switching off. This however could be too complicated for a logo which will need to be quite small. Another idea was to have lines on the screen as if a book is being written, or for the screen to display 'Laptop Cat Books' which again may be too much detail.

After this some illustrations were mocked up, however these definitely need to be developed so that they use a lot less detail and show more of a sleek and distinctive cat shape.

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