Tuesday 12 February 2019

Initial Idea Development - End of Year Show Branding - Collaborative Brief

Using the stained-glass tile concept, I did several experiments with rowed tiles - suggesting that the tiles can be used to represent the diverse cohort at Leeds Arts University. 'We Come Together' would no doubt need development at a statement but it is written to suggest the range of disciplines within the university coming together to celebrate their practice. This would also mean that each individual course would have their own colour, meaning that within that section of the show - a different poster could be placed within each - i.e. a row of red tiles for graphics.

After a group meeting we decided that this idea would be taken forward. However, within the brief it was suggested that white backgrounds have usually been unsuccessful in previous branding pitches. Instead we discussed taking black and white photographs of the university and using these as backgrounds, meaning they wouldn't distract from the colour - but they would add a layer of depth. We talked about how some of these photos could be quite abstract, but still recognisable as features of the university. Also lowering the opacity of these might help the shapes pop from the page.

Finally, since these designs have been constructed using a scanner, it was suggested that better quality photographs could be taken of the tiles, or they even could be digitally illustrated. In some respects though the scanner aesthetic may be something we explore further on; it has quite an experimental and unusual outcome - although perhaps not professional enough.

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