Thursday 7 February 2019

Business Card and Typeface Experiments - Laptop Cat Publishing Logo - Live Brief

Before developing the business cards I did some brief experimentation with the logotype. The most appealing typeface was the final one used called 'Lao UI', it's thickness gives the design personality and impact and reminds me of book brands. I have only experimented with sans serif typefaces to ensure the clean designs is cohesive with the type.

After having designed a few variations of logo, I decided to experiment with these and see how they would look on a business cards. The Arial text didn't work as well as Lao UI, the rounded design felt more appropriate for a book company, with storybook connotations.

I also experimented with the size of the cat, the larger designs felt more striking but also the laptop is not seen so clearly. The author preferred the smaller designs, however I proposed it might be interesting to consider a series of three business cards to show some variation and excitement. It creates a talking point of 'which card would you prefer' and makes the individual feel more connected to the card they choose. This variation could be colour, size or even pattern.

Simple Black - is type necessary?
Arial Black
Arial Red
Lao UI Blue
Lao Ui Blue and Black
Lao UI Red Large
Lao UI Blue Large

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