Monday 11 February 2019

Brief - End of Year Show Branding - Collaborative Brief

The brief is to create a concept for the promotion and design of Leeds Arts University's end of year show.

Foundation show: 16th May
Undergrad show: 7th June

It should:
  • Reflect the essence and purpose of the university - showcasing hard work/talent.
  • Attract people from the industry.
  • Represent people from all the groups and programs.
  • Flyers, posters, social media.
  • Must include the university logo.
For the Submission:
  • Mock-up of external signage.
  • A0 poster.
  • A6 double sided poster.
  • Publication advert.
  • Concept on A2 sheet of paper which must be displayed in creative advertising from 212 by THURSDAY 21ST FEB.
Also Used For:
  • Emails about private view.
  • Exhibition guide.
  • External signage at Vernon Street.
Think About:
  • Image based projects work well.
  • White usually doesn't work well.
  • Communicating that we're a specialist arts uni, student-centered and strong creative community. 
  • Local feeder schools.
  • College students, parents, staff.
  • Prospective students.
  • General public.
  • Alumni.
  • Local artists
  • Creative industry professionals.

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