Thursday 7 February 2019

Further Business Card Developments - Laptop Cat Publishing Logo - Live Brief

After talking to the client, he said that his favourite design was cat coloured in black on a blue background, without the white outline. Because of this I began developing it further, experimenting with potential variation for a set of buisness cards. This included several type experiments, some were per the clients request, others were variations made based on research. One of the best, boldest designs was writing 'Laptop Cat Books' next to the cat in capitals, this seemed far more impactful. This may be developed further so there is a variation of type or thickness within the logotype, since this appeared successful in several of the other designs.

Then, it was also suggested that the cat could have a different pattern on a set of three different cards, taking a more quirky approach to reflect the brand image. The simple three stripes seems to have worked best and taking simple approaches like this will be developed further. The tiger stripes on the left were favoured by the client, however this may be developed further to be more cohesive with the stripe pattern - potentially less curved and more diagonal. The smaller pattern 'fills' haven't worked so well as they are too detailed to stand out, several more experiments will need to be conducted.

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