Tuesday 12 February 2019

Final Development - End of Year Show Branding - Collaboration Brief

Because I was unhappy with the final designs for the end of year show, I decided to do some slight modifications and create an alternative poster design. The design uses the fundamental concepts of the previous work but I believe this piece showcases the university better. It is bold, vibrant and exciting and should stand out against other pieces of advertising. The bright primary colours show the building blocks of all colours and work to convey the idea of construction and togetherness. The shapes have been altered so it appears as if they are slotting into place, to suggest how as a university we are coming together to create a final, unified collaboration in the form of a show. Yet with the construction lines it shows we are not quite there, showing that as students we have more to come and are not the finished article. It did not feel necessary to have the figures pushing the type together, this felt too gimmicky and childish. The university needed to be presented as professional and mature - and this clean and contemporary design showcases hard work and talent.

It is interesting that through use of colour the design has been transformed into something quite different from the original designs. I find that using black creates a far more contemporary and professional frame to the imagery and reflects the university's status in the art world. This style of design would be carried out across all of the paraphernalia, using this alteration of the typeface for each of the course titles.

The finished poster was printed on photo-print paper, this meant the colours were able to stand out bright and glossy - to show high contrast and vibrancy. For the actual paraphernalia the design would have printed on large A0 poster and A6 glossy flyers. I believe this type design would work well in both applications as it is bold, clear and simply lays out the information with fineness. 

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