Wednesday 13 February 2019

'How Museums Can Help Us Unwind' - Art Fund - Competition Brief

Because the brief suggests that the Student Art Pass can be sold to students as a form of detox from technology, I thought it would be helpful to read this 'How museums can help us unwind' article on the Art Fund website.

'Stepping off a busy street and into a quiet museum or gallery can do more than silence the sounds outside. It can help to calm a busy mind, too.'
- Could illustrate the difference between the outside world and the calm of a gallery. How outside everyone is very single minded but the gallery opens you up?

'You can see through the eyes of others' 
- I thought this was an interesting quote, at it conjures some interesting visual imagery. Perhaps wearing funky glasses that warp the world, or maybe entering a museum and becoming an historical figure and experiencing their life for a moment. Perhaps the emphasis of the campaign should be escapism.

'Happiness, she explains, is a biochemical experience triggered by our neurotransmitters such as serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and the hormone oxytocin.'
“Each of these chemicals is responsible for mood and happiness. So, when someone is doing something they love or getting lost in the moment because they're enjoying an activity, they are releasing the happiness chemicals.”
- Could the campaign be about personifying the happy chemicals released within the museum experience.

'Just as ‘connecting to breath’ in meditation allows us to connect with the here and now, observing and connecting with art forces us to slow down and shift from rapid-fire thoughts to slower, more focused thinking.'
- Could the campaign be designed to promote mindfulness and de-cluttering the brain. Museums can cleanse the mind.

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