Monday 6 February 2017

Void Symbol Development

In part of the crit it was suggested that I should create a symbol to represent when the viewer is reaching the edge of the map and there are no more zones. For this I took inspiration from pre-existing void symbols found in game designs and even on gravestones.
The Chaos Star
For example, the Chaos star, which originates from Greek myth as the original dark void in which everything appeared. The symbol has eight equidistant arrows radiating from the centre point, which I thought did well to communicate a sense of ‘freedom’ and direction. The symbol had to represent an escape from the zone map, so it needed to have energy similar to this. However, it also needed to clearly show that there were no more marked zones in that direction and that the viewer would be out of city control. 

This is why I developed a design in the shape of an X using the arrow concept  (design 3), which was taken forward. It showed it was terminated and no longer a zone, yet still showed direction needed to be taken through the use of arrows.

Despite this, the symbol with shards placed around the outside was ideal for the zombie apocalypse aesthetic; it had direction and communicated sharp danger and fast pace. Additionally, the 4th design with the white line running through the centre could have also worked to show an escape path being made. However, these design weren’t carried forward as they appeared inconsistent with the rest of the zone symbols; they were not central icons. Therefore, the X design is more consistent and well-fitting when placed in a frame next to the other symbols. 

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