Monday 6 February 2017

Final Symbol Designs

The final set of symbols are based on the Aicher 45 degree diagonal grid. This is so the designs can appear more consistent and modern. Each design has been split using the grid into segments so they will be effective when spray painted. They are thinner than my original designs and have more detail, the widths are also more consistent across the designs. 

Although some of the symbols are very objective, some have been communicated with subjective elements. For example, the Trinity Centre has been represented with a T and a diamond at each of the terminations. This means they are stylised and can become iconic for each zone, it is important the designs are characterful as well as directive.

Peeling off the stencils to reveal the design
12 of the 19 symbols
Frame stencil
  When the designs were spray painted in the main design, the paint ran before it could dry in place, this created a messy, splotchy effect. Although this was unintentional it made the design feel more apocalyptic- like it had been made in a hurry. The marks looked similar to blood stains which is common for a zombie apocalypse aesthetic. Despite this the future painted designs should be clearer and more legible.

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