Wednesday 8 February 2017

Final Design Idea 1- 'Lonley' Cartoon

One initial idea was a sketch about a character who uses a magic videotape to take them to a fantasy land. This illustration was linked to the music illustrations I'd produced for VCR as I wanted to carry forward the quirkiness they had communicated. The style used for this was very free form and hectic, it was to carry forward the David Carson concept of “intuition.” By drawing each line spontaneously and using the colours that felt right in the moment, the end result is very bright and entrancing. This illustration would have been furthered in a zine format, accessible for children and adults. 

  • Contextually could look at Biff and Chip and the Magic Key.
  • Could have a back story of social commentary on how we are reliant on modern technology.
  • The main character could be drawn in each time by the child reading it.
This was not taken forward as the design had no constraint. Because it was only tenuously linked to the object there was not much room to explore conceptually. The illustrations could have been anything, which meant it would be hard to refine them to something original and exciting.

Studio Build Lecture:

During this lecture by Michael C Place he discussed his passion for experimentation and breaking boundaries, which is partially the cause for his success. He suggested that even when given a very open brief by a client, it is important that you give yourself 'self imposed rules and constraints' to elevate your work and to make sure you are constantly improving.

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