Monday 6 February 2017

Final Designs

I have attempted to unify these stylistically into a system by using a thick to thin brush stroke in each, making sure they each are a similar width and variation. In several of the symbols there have been line indents from using a brush to create them (show in the P, plus sign and toliet figures.) These designs give extra intricacy and if I was to develop the design further I would introduce these dents into each.
Final hospital symbols

The arrows in these designs could have been further developed to be more consistent. The diagonal arrows especially feel unrefined and don't show angular, contrasting line in the style of the others. The horizontal arrows also feel inconsistent and too stretched, they're not horizontally and vertically equally which hospital symbols are likely to be.

The toilet figures especially feel almost ancient in their appearance, akin to cave man drawings. Although this fulfils a contemporary take on the brief, in a hospital the designs need to also maintain a clean, organised appearance which isn't immediate with these designs. It is important to remember the purpose of the signs. Perhaps they would work better in a cafe or relaxed setting, not somewhere like a hospital where a seriousness needs to proceed.

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