Monday 6 February 2017

Symbol Development

I began by researching the most common icon/landmark of each zone. This meant that I could draft a symbol that could be recognised by most as that part of town. One consideration was the designs would need to have no isolated in the centres because they were going to be stencils.
Some of the symbols were objective and common, for example: the + meaning the infirmary. However I found some had to be considered more subjectively, such as the mask for the Grand Theatre and Opera House. This became quite stylised as the the laughing mask design usually used for theatres had detail inside the masks in white, which can't be shown in a stencil. So through layering of blocks I was able to create a mask-like symbol. I also realised for the O2 arena I wouldn't be able to copy their logo directly, so I developed my own version involving a 2 within the circle, rather than above. I still may develop this further as a physical 2 might be too intricate to cut a stencil for. 

The initial designs were translated into Illustrator and there were many inconsistencies between them. The angles were random and some of the edges were curved whereas others were angular. They were also different widths and sizes which meant they didn't feel connected enough with each other. Some seemed too basic as well, for example the bank was represented by coins and a banknote- which felt far too objective and underdeveloped.

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