Monday 6 February 2017

Leeds City Centre Evacuation Plan

Leeds City Council has developed an emergency plan for if there is ever a need to evacuate. I thought it would be interesting to apply this to a zombie apocalypse situation and develop a wayfinding system for it. The plan splits the city into 19 different sectors and each could be given some form of sign or route. This would mean that in each sector there could be path signs out of the city or to safe zones.
Leeds City Centre Evacuation Plan
Signs could be disguised so that the 'threat' couldn't understand where civilians were heading. Thoughts:

  • 3D Glasses needed to understand the sign. After researching the technique I realised that the sign would still be understandable without the glasses. Glasses could also be impractical in a situation like this.
  • Code. Hard to refine and reach city wide.
  • Signs written in compass directions- e.g. 'North East, 50 metres' – difficult to represent this subjectively.

In an apocalypse printing methods would be unavailable. So natural/hand made signs would have to be produced easily and on a wide scale. Materials:

  • Painted stone- paint/spray paint.
  • Etched into stones/pre-existing signs.
  • Interactive system- the signs could contain supplies within them. Or a new part of the map could be unlocked at each sign. (Walking Dead contextual reference.)
  • Florescent paint?
  • Could be lit with LEDs for visibility- although this wouldn't go with the dark/shadowy aesthetic of apocalypses.

To research- Old horror film aesthetic and the type/style used. 

Material notes
Concept ideas

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