Tuesday 7 February 2017


Throughout the project there have been elements of subjectivity and objectivity. The concept is fairly subjective since it is fictitious and can be adapted to personal preference. However the resulting system is very objective, with an organised and controlled set of signage.

The symbols themselves have elements of subjectivity - with components added to make them unique. Yet it is possible that this has made some of them too stylised. For example, the O2 arena symbol is ambiguous and needs explaining, whereas the symbols should all be recognisable without words. It was impossible to design these however without creating new icons; some sectors of the city have no renowned landmark in them. So it some ways it was an achievement to draw from research and create a symbol that would reflect 19 different parts of the city.

The system does need explaining which could have been solved with some instructions developed. However from some brief experimentation it was hard to spray paint any length of writing, because the type had to be individually cut. In feedback it was suggested that instructions could have been written in sharpie or chalk to create a spontaneous design - which could have been developed further.

Aside from some ambiguity the symbols are organised and comprehensive and are clearly marked within the frame. The process means they could be mass produced and constructed quickly which was one of my main objectives. 

Example of figure running from the scene after quickly constructing it.
By looking at other people's work it has helped me realise that boundaries can be pushed and broken and the weirdest of ideas are sometimes the most successful. Projects that involved the most experimentation and variation always had the best results because there was a reason behind every aspect. I want to carry forward this process in future projects.

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