Wednesday 15 February 2017

Final Poster Design

Type Consideration

For the final poster design I have used an eccentric typeface, Cinema Gothic BTN Inline, which immediately makes the sci-fi genre of the posters apparent. It is sometimes important that a typeface portrays an identity; in this poster the typeface is a key component to the aesthetic and composition. However, 'type egotism' (deliberately drawing attention to type) is often unwelcome in design, people believe type should never alter a design's overall appearance. I however think it has been successful here, it balances the composition. Combat Ready BTN has been used to balance this, as it is cleaner and more precise, it is better for getting information across. One issue could be that the text listing the events is too small to read. However, since the poster is A1 it is more legible in its physical copy, but only if the viewer goes towards it to read the information. I think this is important, not only should a poster be exciting and intriguing, it should also be informative on occasion and 'draw in' the viewer. 

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