Monday 6 February 2017

Otl Aicher Pictogram Research

Otl Aicher's pictograms communicate a lot with such simple combined line and shape. His 'pictograms tended to conflate details to form an abstraction', this meant that he would usually take the subjective, exaggerated route when designing them. Often they were clear in meaning yet were not obvious or simplified. 

Otl Aicher Pictograms
However, a survey done by Martin Krampen (one of Aicher's influences) found that 'the level of familiarity had to be 'relatively high' if pictorial representation is to support human action.' Meaning that every viewer needs to find something familiar in the design, so they are not isolated/misinterpreting.

This meant that for some experimental pictograms I produced to represent anxiety, I made sure the designs had an objective foundation (e.g. a cloud) but with a subjective twist (a square cut from the cloud.) A subjective mood made in an objective symbol, should still maintain an element of depth.

Objective interpretations of subjective feeling 'anxiety'
Aicher believed for symbols they should be a 'conclusion without flourish or confidence', indicating his is more likely to create something objective and simple for these.

Drip experiment made into a subjective pictogram for anxiety, too subjective

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